Tuesday, July 2, 2013

DAY #1, 2013: Potential

 How do we engage and invite the Ko Festival audience into this season's theme of COURAGE?
 After consulting with this season's performers, I've broken courage down into actions of: showing up, stepping into the unknown, facing the truth, resilience, and sacrifice. I also have created images around Ernest Hemingway's definition of courage, "Grace under pressure." I want objects in our installatation to somehow soar through the air while at the same time being weighted or grounded...
Discover #1: All nine Ko Fest interns take a rock and create a being to hold their courage. How do these shapes change the landscape and draw us into their stories? 

Discover #2: Maybe audience members will create tin foil people - with a rock some kind of courage that they would like to muster - then intentionally placed within the space. Creating a tableau and accumulating throughout the festival as people participate before and after the indoor performances.

Discovery #3: Connecting points and creating lines between things within our space. Views from below and above. A person hanging on the line and where to attach to...

And final discovery of the day: all points coming together and being held up by weight.

Introducing the team: Aaron, Marnie, Kathleen, & Andrew... along with input in person with Sally Goers Fox from Australia (who you might remember from Skype talk-backs for Overture to a Thursday Morning in 2011)

Let's see how we bring all of these ideas together tomorrow. Thanks for following our process!

~ Installation Facilitator, Kali Quinn 

Remember... the Ko Festival opens this Friday and runs for 5 weekends of great shows!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Ko Fest 2013: COURAGE

Another Ko Festival is upon us... the 22nd in fact! And this year's theme is: COURAGE. Performances will take place this July-August at Amherst College Campus in Amherst, MA exploring this theme. Read more about the season now: http://kofest.com

And... Kali Quinn will create another community art installation this year around the theme of COURAGE and is just getting starting by getting your responses. WE WOULD LOVE YOUR INPUT! Please visit this site to add your two cents to the creation process!