How do we engage and invite the Ko Festival audience into this season's theme of COURAGE?
After consulting with this season's performers, I've broken courage down into actions of: showing up, stepping into the unknown, facing the truth, resilience, and sacrifice. I also have created images around Ernest Hemingway's definition of courage, "Grace under pressure." I want objects in our installatation to somehow soar through the air while at the same time being weighted or grounded...
Discover #1: All nine Ko Fest interns take a rock and create a being to hold their courage. How do these shapes change the landscape and draw us into their stories?
Discover #2: Maybe audience members will create tin foil people - with a rock some kind of courage that they would like to muster - then intentionally placed within the space. Creating a tableau and accumulating throughout the festival as people participate before and after the indoor performances.
Discovery #3: Connecting points and creating lines between things within our space. Views from below and above. A person hanging on the line and where to attach to...
Introducing the team: Aaron, Marnie, Kathleen, & Andrew... along with input in person with Sally Goers Fox from Australia (who you might remember from Skype talk-backs for Overture to a Thursday Morning in 2011)
Let's see how we bring all of these ideas
together tomorrow. Thanks for following our process!
~ Installation Facilitator, Kali Quinn
Remember... the Ko Festival opens this Friday and runs for 5 weekends of great shows!
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